Can a lifestyle of fitness boost career and leadership?

2 min readJun 17, 2021


A healthy body is home to a strong mind. People who desire to have a long and fruitful career must understand that leading a healthy and active lifestyle is part of the endeavor. Seasoned real estate executive Gene Bernshtam shares how fitness can boost one’s career and leadership in this blog post.

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For people with packed schedules, essentially having a ton of things to do and people to talk to in a day, it’s important that develop a consciousness for health and fitness. Making healthy living a priority enables them to have a sense of normalcy and routine while leading a fast-paced life. When building a career, the strength of character is integral. One has to be driven, focused, and determined in reaching their goals.

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Every successful person knows the value of discipline and hard work. These two qualities can be seen in a person who takes care of themselves. A fitness lifestyle requires one to be committed to their fitness goals and resilient to the temptation to give up or break their progress. Productivity is a crucial aspect of business success. Breaking a sweat in the morning helps increase a person’s productivity. Plus, regular exercise aids in reducing leadership stress, shares Gene Bernshtam.

Among the many great benefits of working out is mental clarity. Leaders who exercise regularly maintain the mental clarity necessary to have a strong memory, incredible verbal learning, and a decisive mind.

Gene Bernshtam believes that good work ethic is the route to success. He is currently working in commercial real estate investment and development firm Avalon Holdings, LLC and its affiliated entities. Head over to this page for more on Mr. Bernshtam.

