Achieving work-life balance in real estate

2 min readJul 19, 2021


How should we manage our time, especially in real estate when you are always on-call and greater flexibility is demanded? When we miss out on important dates with the family or some personal activity, we all know that there is something on our schedules that needs fixing. But it isn’t as simple, as we all can agree. Here’s Gene Bernshtam to give us some advice on some possible ways to achieving work-life balance.

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Team collaboration

Agencies collaborate by swapping referrals and assisting each other’s clients — especially when outside their jurisdiction in which the other might help. Gene Bernshtam thinks this collaboration saves up time dedicated to long hours of commute by splitting up tasks, which can be handled on whose jurisdiction it can be applied on. This arrangement also favors the client by having an agent that’s more knowledgeable in a specific area.

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A few insights from the productivity puzzle

Gene Bernshtam notes that evaluating your time or doing time management is a giant step into trying to achieve work-life balance. This comes along with more detailed approaches like identifying your priorities, organizing physical workspace, creating more than one to-do list, taking an hour-long break from electronic devices in order to focus, and, last but not the least, looking up on what’s ahead, which is basically about planning.

Keeping a journal

This may sound rather simplistic, but Gene Bernshtam highly suggest this method of keeping track of your daily activities by writing down freely on a simple notebook, or whatever you might prefer. Take 10 minutes of your free time for this exercise. Write down everything you have in mind about your work or yourself.

Bernshtam currently leads real estate firm Avalon Holdings LLC, which specializes in apartment buildings and mixed-use properties. Aside from consulting services, the company focuses on investment, development, management, and repositioning underperforming assets. To know more, please visit this website.

